Thursday, 30 August 2012

Meet the Council Candidates

Thanks to those who organized the Meet The Candidates Night. It was good to hear what they had to say and to see such a good turnout. Well worth attending before the election. I will definitely be going to any future events like this so I know who I'm voting for and recommend others to do the same.

Sign at the airstrip

Recently we have learnt of vandalism to the for sale sign at the airstrip. Although we believe the council do not have the right to sell this land under the current situation of no community consultation and bypassing there own policies and procedures. BACG do not believe that damaging the sign is the best way in which to push our point. Individuals carrying out such actions are doing so of their own accord and do so without the support of BACG.

I have spoken with many people that are not happy with what is happening. The council have now turned people that are law abiding citizens into criminals. Well done Blue Mountains City Council! We are all well aware of who the real criminals are aren't we "BMCC" selling land that rightfully belongs to the community!

Click here to listen to a truly criminal act - 

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


I think we should all go to this. This invitation is on the BAG website. Click here -

Meet the Council Candidates
26 Aug 2012 - 31 Aug 2012

Please be warmly invited to meet the Ward One candidates in this upcoming Council election.

·        Thursday 30th August 2012 at 7 pm

·        Bates Hall, Blackheath Community Centre,
Gardiner Crescent, Blackheath

·        Get to hear what your candidates have to say about local issues; ask them questions and make an informed choice when you vote on September 8th. We need candidates that are prepared to represent us and our concerns.

Can I ask you to pass this invitation on to others on your email list.

This event is being sponsored by an Alliance of Blackheath Community Groups* and is co-ordinated by the Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre and the Blackheath Highway Action Group (BAG).


Michael Paag
Chair - BAG on behalf of the BAG committee

Blackheath Highway Action Group
Safer roads, freight on rail, better public transport

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Start thinking about who you are going to vote for?

The kids bike jumps are now for sale, it is more important then ever we get our petition out there with as many signature as ever. This heartless council has not given these kids anywhere to build there jumps or to ride and are selling it out from under them. These places are important for kids. We take it for granted that the places we had as kids are gradually being taken away from our kids. Where I grew up a lot of the places that I went as a kid are now not accessible. As a result there is more drug use and crime as the kids have been locked in by our actions or perhaps a lack of action! It's time to protect these areas for our kids, grand kids and future generations. It is selfish of us to not care because it doesn't effect us directly. In the long term it will effect the whole community!

There is an election in just a few weeks. If you do nothing else at least send this to all your friends asking them to sign it and pass it on to there friends as well.  It's time to get this petition out there and save this area for all of us.

Make sure you ask the people you intend to vote for what they are willing to do to protect this area. Don't believe it if anyone tells you it's a done deal. That is not true! they is just a way to attempt to shut us up! It's not working and this can all be reversed at anytime. They will just have to sit down and think about a solution instead of the quick and easy way! Start thinking about who you are going to vote for and don't just blindly vote for the party you would normally vote for with out knowing who they are and what they are willing to do for the community. I have been guilty of this in the past, never again!

Sign our online petition click on the link below

Community Consultation it is Not

Mike Corkin - Post on our Facebook page
community consultation- not

I e-mailed Nathan Summers from council about how the properties that make up the bike jump site could be listed for sale when we have had email confirmation, and one meeting already, where council would at least consider retaining this land as a reserve for the kids.In spite of this the terms of this "consultation" have been re-written to only consider the new proposed interim site and not the existing site [see attachment].

Their consultation is a sham, I have no faith that they will do anything for the local kids regarding the bike track and there is very little integrity within councils management team and their representatives. The hamfisted way that they have handled this is indicative of the whole development.

I have no faith in this process and I will briefly be attending the on site meeting today at 2pm today to tell Nathan, Elisabeth and the Council in general the same. It is too nice a day to wast any more time with them.

(Letter from council below)

Thankyou for your email of Friday 24 August 2012.  The purpose of the Hat Hill Dirt Bike Jump consultation is to obtain information on how to best manage the Dirt Bike Jump relocation.  It was never about whether the relocation would occur or not.  I apologise if this was not made clear at the meeting of Wednesday 15 Augsut.  
This particular process is not about whether the land sale should proceed.  If you wish to communicate with Council about whether the land sale should proceed please do so through your Ward Councillors or by correspondence with the General Manager.
The decision to proceed with the sale of land was the result of a Council Resolution from the meeting of the 13 March 2012.  As a result of this decision, Council staff were aware that land sales were going to take place as part of the process.  The Project Plan listing the schedule for the Stage 1 of the land sale can be viewed on Council’s website on the web page for the Hat Hill Road, Blackheath Project.  
The process that the Recreation Team were asked to undertake has been to manage the relocation of the DBJ site, and we hope that you will continue to engage with us to get the best result possible in these circumstances.  When we report to Council the outcomes of the consultation, it can be reported that the users feel the existing site cannot be matched.  
I hope this answers your query.  You can contact me on the details below if you would like to discuss this further.


Nathan Summers
Recreation Development Officer
Blue Mountains City Council

Friday, 24 August 2012


We have now been forced to take Direct 

Action against council and the sale of this 

land. If you see potential buyers, real estate 

agents, workers, or anyone from BMCC 

politely let them know "THIS IS COMMUNITY 


should be sold until the proper processes are  

followed. We must not  let them get away 

with this or the future of us having a say

 about what happens to our village is over!

Thursday, 23 August 2012


Anyone that buys this land would be a fool!

You will be just as guilty as the Blue 

Mountains City Council of evicting the 

residents of Blackheath from this recreational 

site and of environmental vandalism. They will 

not be welcomed here until the current

process is ceased and a new process is 

started which is to include a proper 

environmental report, contamination testing, 

a fire hazard report and a full and ongoing 

community consultation program.

If the community is to be moved out of this site

the new site should be fully established prior 

to any sales.

Boycott any real estate agent involved in this 

sale. They are now against the community of 


Where is this BMCC??? "A Contamination 

report is to be commissioned with expected 

completion by end July 2012." Should this 

have been done before you sell it to 

unsuspecting buyers???

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Robert Stock, Independent Candidate For Ward One

Blue Mountains Independent Candidate Robert Stock speaks about the Blackheath Airstrip Development.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Brent Hoare, Greens Candidate For Ward One

Blue Mountains Greens Candidate Brent Hoare speaks about the Blackheath Airstrip Development.

Click on the link

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Could potentially have a much wider flow on effect!

We've just hit 1500 views on our YouTube channel and 2000 visits on our blog site. 

Check out our YouTube channel

Please sign this petition. It doesn't matter if you don't live in the mountains. This is about local government choosing to ignore it's own policies and the very people that put them in power. If we loose this battle, what chance has the rest of the state got against the current state government? Which ever way this goes the outcome of this could potentially have a much wider flow on effect!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Claytons Consultation

Hi Guy’s, BMCC are holding a Claytons Consultations for the Off Leash Area 19th August between 11:00am to 1pm. It will be starting at the Blackheath RSL Hall 2 Bundarra St then proceeding to the site. I encourage all to go and make sure you let them know what you want. 

The meeting for the Bike Jump area will be held on the 25th August, 2pm at the proposed site. Please be there if you are an interested parent or one of the guy's that use the site. This is important we let them know we want to save the existing site.

Please sign our petition to save the site as a reserve.

Also don’t forget to check out our Dog Day At The Airstrip Video, here is the link -
And our highest rating Bike track video -

Monday, 13 August 2012

"Dog Day On The Airstrip" video now on YouTube

OK, here is what you have all been waiting for! Our master editor has finished another master piece “Dog Day On The Airstrip”. 

Click on the link to go to TheBACGMedia Channel. Don’t forget to click like and go sign the online petition.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Great day had at the Dog Day at the Airstrip. Thanks to all who came and thanks for bring your owners to sign the petition.

Neal is working hard on the video so while your waiting for that check our YouTube Channel for our latest videos. 

Here is the link to the audio of the June 5th council meeting to get you started.


Hat Hill Road, Blackheath

12th August 2012
Group Photo at 11am for the
Gazette in the middle of the airstrip

To show your support for this
precious community amenity, have
fun and have a say about it's future!
For more info contact:
Susan Shipway
Ph. 4787-7267
Blackheath Airstrip
Community Group

Thursday, 9 August 2012

New Blog - Stormwater & Drainage

Here is the link to the latest BACGMedia Blog. Please leave comments on the channel as feed back is important for improving my videos.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Help Needed to get more Signatures.

Hi Guys, we are looking for people that want to help out getting signatures for our petition any way you can with whatever time you can spare. The BACG need your help as we are spread a bit thin and are tied up organizing our campaign. Please send me a personal message if you are interested so we can have a chat about how you can help. We will greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your ongoing support. Please don't give up as we are gradually gaining ground.

If you are not available to do the foot work you can still help by sending the petition link to all your friends and asking them to sign and do the same.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Post event consultation is not proper consultation!

Message to Blue Mountains City Council. Post event consultation is not proper consultation. Consultation should occur prior to approvals and tenders going ahead. As should all reports and surveys. Post consultation is nothing more than another attempt at damage control and ticking boxes. It will not stop us from fighting this ill conceived, money grab development!

Don't forget to sign our petition, click on the link below.